Monday, August 30, 2010

Begin with the End in Mind

Although the weather still cries "summer", as an educator it is difficult to ignore the school spirit that permeates the air and reminds us that fall is around the corner and the school year has begun. After too many years to count in education, I am stillam unable to sleep soundly the night before school begins. For me, it has always been more of a New Year than the one we celebrate on January 1st. As plans and ideas percolate in my head, I am reminded of Stephen Covey's sound advice in his best seller, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People. That is, "Begin with the end in mind". It is so easy to get caught up in our daily "to do" lists and multiple demands. Let's remember that to be truly effective educators, we need to begin with a few well-chosen goals and chip away at meeting them each day. Consider where you want to take your students this year. Consider steps you can take to streamline your life and reduce the stresses that creep up throughout the year and prevent you from being your best self. Consider why you became a teacher in the first place and be sure to incorporate your vision of education into a workable goal. Truly, "the unrelected life is not worth living". To take this a step further, perhaps the unreflective teacher is not worth having. As you enjoy the excitement of a new beginning, remember to carve out time for reflection and relaxation. Keep your eye on the big picture and have a wonderful year!